2025 Gordon Y Billard Award

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Thank you for submitting a nomination for the Gordon Y. Billard Award. 

To submit a nomination, click on either "Create an Account" (if you've never used Submittable before), or "Already have an account? Sign in". On the next screen, select "Use Single Sign On" to sign in with your MIT Certificate. 

About the Award

Individual nominees (teams may not be nominated) for this award must demonstrate "special service of outstanding merit to the Institute, making significant and lasting contributions to the MIT community". These efforts can be broad in scope, affecting many departments, units, or individuals, and/or significant in duration. Eligible nominees should have sustained contributions to the Institute for at least ten years. Examples include serving as the chair of a cross-departmental task force that advanced MIT’s mission or nurturing a new student program. Past recipients typically have a substantial portfolio of service to MIT. Nominations may include input from multiple nominators, but must not exceed 6 pages in total.

Eligibility for the Gordon Y. Billard Award

Nominees must be current faculty or staff members who have contributed to the Institute for ten years or more. Alternatively, nominees may have served, or currently serve in an MIT-affiliated role and have made contributions to the Institute for at least ten years. 

The nominator is responsible for providing documentation that confirms an affiliate nominee’s years of service to MIT and demonstrates how the individual made lasting contributions. This documentation must be submitted by the nomination deadline. A recommended form of documentation is a letter from a senior leader or DLCI HR director that verifies the content of the work and the required years of service. 

· All nominees will be reviewed for eligibility before moving to Committee review. 

· Nominations may include input from multiple nominators but must not exceed six pages.

A selection committee reviews nominations and determines the recipient(s). The Gordon Y. Billard Award is presented at the Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony which takes place in June each year. 

The nomination deadline is March 24 by 5pm, EST.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.